You didn’t start a business so you could work more for less money did you ?

So why are you ?

Why does it seem like everybody is flying by you while you stand almost completely still ?

Because you are trying to do it alone.


The truth is ……online business is NOT the place you want to prove your do it yourself skills !

So whats the solution?  Ill let you in on a secret.

My clients who have the MOST success tend to know INSTANTLY they want this and didn’t know it existed.

Its a VIP DAY.

So what is a VIP DAY ?

  • In person or by Skype full work day
  • We run hard and fast
  • We determine where you are , what you have in place and where you want to go.
  • We figure out whats missing.


  • Step by step
  • Systemically
  • Sequentially
  • and most important …..SIMPLY.  ( overwhelm doesn’t build anything but resistance ! )

Success is about keep it simple so you can scale it up.

Our goal is  a solid frame work and foundation to you to six figures and beyond.

Its Reverse engineering at its best !

Want 5 figure months? LETS BUILD THAT FOR YOU .


  • We literally lay out and scrutinize your entire system piece by piece.
  • Set up your social media channels PROPERLY so they all play nice.
  • Get clear on your ideal client and locate them
  • Magnetize your message so your your clients hear your call.
  • Content creation ….it is King and it RULES.
  • We design your packages and programs.
  • Calendar set up to spread content.
  • Marketing message
  • Discovery and sales calls
  • Your sales systems

We will also figure out what is holding you back, what is in your way and what we need to remove and rebuild.

We can get an insane amount of work done in a single day, but we do have a follow up system to help keep you u supported afterwards and work out any loose ends.

I could write about this all day long, but nobody wants to read pages of copy for details they can easily get on the phone……..and your going to want to get to know who I am anyway right ?

The investment is from $ 2,999 to $ 4,999 depending on where you have your VIP DAY. 

( obviously meeting me in Paris or Italy is a Luxury VIP and will be more than a SKYPE VIP

Your next step …………..Hop on a discovery call with me and lets see if this is a fit for you.

The more time you wait , the more money you waste.