About Susan Kate
Hello gorgeous ……………….Ive been waiting for you 🙂
Hi there. Im Sue……..an entrepreneurial advocate…with big dreams and a BURNING belief that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
My mission in life is FREEDOM. ….Yours and mine. My specialty is getting online entrepreneurs to their first 5k-10K months.
It doesn’t matter to me WHERE you are starting from and what you have right now.
- Because I DID IT, despite everything stacked against me. ( think NYC ghettos)
- Against all odds I went back and finished high school …….and then college.
- Straight A’s and top of my class. I became a sponge ….absorbing everything I could about life and how to make it my own.
I spent years working with schools, and governments, and politicians to help people all over the world.
- It was the most amazing work in the word, but it changed me and I came back to America a much different girl.
- The travel and work I had done put me in a position for some amazing cushy and high level government jobs .
However, living overseas rendered me completely unemployable. It was work for myself ..there was no other choice.
- In 2001 I started a real estate business ….which was great until I was needed back In NYC .
- 2009-13 While living in NYC opened up a photography business which I expanded to Virginia and Florida.
- 2013 —– I LOST IT ALL when I was struck by a car and suffered serious back and neck injuries.
I had to start over. AGAIN.
- 2013 – 2014 I bought and build 2 online companies and went back to my coaching roots …….
- This time finding an INTENSE love of working strictly with online entrepreneurs.
I was where you are right now, and I did it. YOU CAN TOO !!
- Today I live a life on my OWN terms. I have a business I LIVE FOR and clients I LOVE.
- I work from the beach, the lake, the pool, wherever and whenever I want. Its my absolute dream come true and I am FINALLY able to enjoy life again!
If this anything here appeals to you ………Take a peek over at my WORK WITH ME PAGE and see how we can work together 🙂